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I am

Running a research for


The conversation



  • I am
  • Running a research for
  • With
  • My question is:
  • The conversation sensitive

PSi makes sense of deep qualitative data

Where traditional methods fail

Every discussion on PSi starts with an open ended question — questions that can't be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.” By focussing on the what, how, why, when, where, and who, PSi invites deeper qualitative data. Stakeholders share more about themselves, how they think, and their experiences.

Unlike traditional primary research methods, PSi has the power to process this data at scale, turning complexity into clear insights and takeaways.

Human first, then AI

PSi blends collective and artificial intelligence, but AI does not tamper with the decision-making process.

Powerful AI tools support the process by generating post-discussion summaries, analysis, and insights at lightning speed, but conversations and decision-making are always 100% human.

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Let’s talk!

What it’s like to join a primary research discussion on PSi
